czwartek, 13 marca 2014

#5 - a song that your friends like but you don't

i don't like Dezerter's music
it isn't for me

lyrics maybe are good, but all song not
(yea i know it's punk rock and lyrics are the most important but it doesn't convince me to this song)

środa, 12 marca 2014

#4 - a song that you remember your parents listening to

my parents aren't very musically so i don't remember any songs from my childchood

my dad has this song for a ringtone so i think about him on every time when i hear it

#3 - a song that remind you a night out

after this Christmas i was in Ostrołęka for a week (more or less)
this song was playing all the fuckin' time then

but it reminds good memories


wtorek, 11 marca 2014

#2 - a song from the first album you ever bought (what album?)

i had written here about 'Appetite For Destruction' by Guns N' Roses, but then i realised that it isn't my first bought album

my first bought album is 'Feel' by polish band Feel (original name of album, yea)
i used to love this band when i was 10 or 11.
hahaha, now i prefer different kinds of music
so, i bought their CD when i was 10 or 11 (i don't remember) before their concert in Kielce
wow, i was so excited to see their show xD
my favourite song from 'Feel' was, and still is 'w odpowiedzi na twój list'

it's strange but i still like this song XD
i don't have fuckin' idea wtf is this video, but i can't find official video

respect bitches B|

#1 - a song that you know all the lyrics

this is a difficult choice, because i don't know what songs i want to use in following points

this is my favourite song
polish punk rock is the best punk rock


Okay, I have made this blog to do 100 song challenge. I'm going to write here about songs from this challenge, for fun.
I can't speak english well, so sorry for mistakes.

I'm Angus, and i'm 16.
From Poland.
You'll see what kinds of music i like

 this is me